
Small, agile, and slightly luminous, spritefinches1[SPRYT·FIN·chess]

The species has an unusual symbiotic relationship with the fehncheus tree, a slow-moving carnivorous plant. During the first bloom of spring, the tree will grow fanlike leaves over its root structure, creating an environment ideal for nesting spritefinches. As the season progresses and the eggs of the nesting spritefinch hatch, the roots will slowly fold into a cage too tight for the adult spritefinches to escape. The adolescent young, however, are still small enough to fit through the lattice.

It is speculated that, since the roots become impassable for the adults at the same time the adolescent spritefinches become self-sufficient, there is some element of a symbiotic relationship at play. This is reinforced by the fact that most spritefinch chicks nesting in other tree species are quickly found by predators, due to their soft glow.

The largest gathering of spritefinches can be found nesting around Fiddler’s Lake between February and July.

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